Health Complications of the Obesity Epidemic

Obesity is one of the leading causes of sickness and death in the United States. In fact, obesity-related diseases cause more than 300,000 deaths every year. Taking care of your health by managing your weight is one of the best things you can do to maximize your opportunity to live a long, healthy and enjoyable life.

It’s worth noting that it isn’t necessarily the excess fat stored in an obese person’s body that causes so many deaths. Instead, it is the myriad diseases and conditions that frequently result from being so overweight.

Here are a few examples:


Gout is a disease that causes uric acid in the blood to rise to unsafe levels. This leads to painful flare-ups and pain in the joints.


Everyone has some risk of cancer, but being obese can significantly increase the risks associated with cancer — and particularly specific types of cancer. Some of the cancers with the greatest increase in risk include kidney cancer, esophageal cancer, colon cancer and breast cancer. However, there is some evidence that other cancers can become more likely in some people who are chronically obese.

Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a particularly unfortunate obesity-related disease. While some people are unfortunate enough to be genetically predisposed to diabetes, Type 2 diabetes is frequently linked to preventable causes, like obesity.

Type 2 diabetes can lead to a significant reduction in quality of life and can severely reduce life expectancy for those diagnosed.

Heart Disease

One of the better-known complications associated with obesity, heart disease continues to be one of the leading causes of death in the United States. Heart disease is a broad term used to describe conditions such as a heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and a number of other conditions. Individuals who are obese but take significant efforts to reduce their weight and improve their health can reduce the risk of heart disease.


The additional weight and strain that an obese person puts on his or her joints can lead to a number of conditions, including osteoarthritis. This condition is defined by the wearing down of cartilage in the joints, leading to pain, reduced mobility and numbness throughout various parts of the body.

Obesity can lead to many negative health conditions. Take charge of your health today by managing your diet and getting your body to a healthy weight!