Category: Weight Loss Surgery

Why You Should Be Scared of Being Overweight

reality of obesity

obesity, overweight
Obesity is a growing problem in the U.S., and it has become a hot topic recently due to its connection with more
severe outcomes of COVID-19. However concerning obesity already was, when you throw a pandemic in the mix, it’s a situation that gets even scarier.

Recently, the CDC released the 2019 Adult Obesity Prevalence Maps for 49 states, the District of Columbia, and two U.S. territories. The maps show self-reported adult obesity prevalence by race, ethnicity, and location. The data comes from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, an on-going state-based, telephone interview survey conducted by CDC and state health departments.

The 2019 maps show that obesity impacts some groups more than others, but the overall results are frightening. No states are doing well when it comes to reducing obesity rates, and Alabama, the home state of Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery, is one of the absolute worst.  

The Reality of Obesity: Facts & Figures

Obesity is a common, serious, and costly disease. In the U.S., the prevalence of obesity was 42.4% from 2017 to 2018. The prevalence of obesity was 40.0% among young adults aged 20 to 39 years; 44.8% among middle-aged adults aged 40 to 59 years; and 42.8% among adults 60 and older.

All states and territories had more than 20% of adults with obesity, a startling fact in and of itself. However, it gets worse when you look at states more specifically:

  • 20% to less than 25% of adults had obesity in one 1 state (Colorado) and the District of Columbia
  • 25% to less than 30% of adults had obesity in 13 states
  • 30% to less than 35% of adults had obesity in 23 states, Guam, and Puerto Rico.
  • 35% or more adults had obesity in 12 states (Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, and West Virginia).
  • The Midwest (33.9%) and South (33.3%) had the highest prevalence of obesity, followed by the Northeast (29.0%), and the West (27.4%).

Why Being Overweight Matters So Much

As mentioned already, obesity is considered an underlying health condition that may lead to more severe cases and outcomes of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. But there’s much more to it than that.

People who are overweight, compared to those at a healthy weight, are at increased risk for many other serious diseases and health conditions, such as:

  • High blood pressure
  • High LDL cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol, or high levels of triglycerides
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Sleep apnea and breathing problems
  • Many types of cancer
  • Low quality of life
  • Mental illness, such as clinical depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders
  • Body pain and difficulty with physical functioning

What Has Caused Increased Rates of Obesity?

This is a question many of us would love to know a definite answer for, but the truth is, no one can say for sure. Scientific studies often reach conflicting conclusions, which means there are many theories out there. Overall, the evidence points to two basic factors leading to our weight problems: too much food and too little exercise.

The rise in fast food sales probably plays a big part. Fast food consumption makes up about 11% of the average American diet, according to research published by the World Health Organization. Increasing consumption of added sugars from soda and energy drinks has also been shown to contribute to increasing obesity rates by another study.

Lack of exercise is also a major culprit. Many of us sit throughout the majority of our days. Not only while at work, but also when we get home. Of course, this means we are getting less exercise. In fact, according to the CDC, 80% of Americans don’t get enough exercise. Other research suggests that Americans burn 120 to 140 fewer calories a day than we did 50 years ago.

When you consider the higher calorie consumption and less physical activity, weight gain is really no surprise. Add in lack of sleep, stress, and some genetic factors that may influence slowing metabolisms, and things only get worse.

Are You Scared of Obesity Yet?

Honestly, you should be. For all the reasons mentioned above, and many more. It’s crucial that we start eating healthier and getting more exercise. For many people, this means starting small. Working up to bigger changes works for some, and they are able to lose weight and become healthier. 

But it doesn’t work quite like that for many people. Being overweight is a big problem and sometimes it requires larger interventions, such as weight loss surgery. It is a huge step to take, but it is often exactly what many people need to jumpstart their weight loss journey. 

Fight obesity to fight COVID-19

obesity and COVID-19

obesity and COVID-19
As our nation and world continue to battle COVID-19, one thing has become clear. Those with certain underlying medical conditions, as
defined by the Centers for Disease Control, are at higher risk for severe illness. 

According to the Obesity Society, this includes seniors, people with pre-existing respiratory and cardiac disease, and those with compromised immune systems. People who are obese have a greater chance of being in each of these categories and should therefore be considered at increased risk for severe disease as well. (Find a large list of resources about this topic on their website.)

So what does all of this mean? It is more important than ever to fight obesity and help as many people as possible get healthier. Even as we continue to go through this pandemic, it’s not too late to start making changes for those who are obese. For those who are at risk of becoming obese, it’s crucial to stop that from happening.

At Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery, we want to do everything we can to help you get healthy and stay healthy. This may be the right time to finally commit to having weight loss surgery and jump start your journey toward better health.

More about obesity

For years, obesity has been a growing health problem affecting millions of people across the U.S. Poor eating habits, high levels of stress, environmental factors, and some genetic factors contribute to weight gain for many people. Without proper intervention and treatment, weight gain can escalate to dangerous levels, leading to a heightened risk of diseases, health problems, significant physical disability, or even death.

We typically divide obesity into these categories, using Body Mass Index (BMI):

  • Class 1: BMI of 30 to < 35
  • Class 2: BMI of 35 to < 40
  • Class 3: BMI of 40 or higher and more than 100 pounds over what is considered an ideal body weight

Obesity is a complex and progressive disease that increases your risk of developing comorbidities and weight-related health problems, as well as interfering with your ability to perform many daily physical functions.

Health risks & conditions associated with obesity

We consider obesity to be a chronic disease, and if left untreated, it can lead to the development of one or more serious health problems. Common conditions associated with obesity include:

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Sleep apnea and other breathing disorders
  • Reproductive problems
  • Stroke
  • Fatty liver disease

What you may notice is that many of the conditions listed above are also underlying medical conditions that make people more likely to suffer severe outcomes with COVID-19. Obesity can also negatively affect your immune system, a critical component to fighting the virus. The ties between obesity and the novel coronavirus are unmistakable. 

How to start fighting obesity today

If you are obese, what can you do right now — TODAY — to start getting healthier and increasing your immune function?

  • Decrease your calories — Cut out simple carbohydrates such as sweets, candy, baked goods, sugar-sweetened beverages, jams, jelly, etc.
  • Decrease excess “bad” (saturated or trans) fats — These are commonly found in commercial baked goods, processed or fried foods, cheese, whole, and 2% milk, ice cream, cream, fatty meats, butter, and margarine. 
  • Increase fruits and vegetables — Aim for two cups of whole fruit per day and at least three cups of vegetables per day.
  • Increase low-fat dairy and protein — Drink or eat three cups of low-fat (1% or skim) dairy per day. Eat two to three ounces of lean meat or beans with two meals per day.
  • Increase water — Drink at least 60 to 80 ounces of water per day.
  • Increase exercise — It can be challenging for those who are obese, but more physical activity of any kind will be helpful.

Your next step: weight loss surgery

While we want you to start getting healthier right now to reduce your risk of suffering from COVID-19 and other diseases and conditions, you may need more help to lose weight. Obesity is a progressive disease because the excess weight gain causes a number of hormonal and metabolic changes in the body that increase the risk for even greater fat accumulation over time, making it difficult to fight using diet and exercise alone.

At Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery, we have several tried and true methods of weight loss surgery, including gastric sleeve surgery, gastric bypass surgery, and the LAP-BAND. We work to educate our patients about their weight loss options, as well as life after surgery. 

To learn more about these options and begin the journey to improving your health, schedule a consultation with us today.

Want to start fighting against obesity?

Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery is a caring group of professionals who specialize in all types of bariatric surgery, including gastric sleeve surgery. We have the resources to help you prepare for surgery, undergo successful surgery, and recover after, including personalized plans for diet and exercise that will help you learn healthy habits that you can pass on to your family. Give us a call to set up a consultation at 205-833-6907

Decided to have weight loss surgery? Here are your options at BMI Surgery

BMI weight loss surgery

BMI weight loss surgery
Have you decided that weight loss surgery is something you are definitely going to do? We are happy to hear that! However, we know it can be overwhelming to take the next steps. This is a life-changing and life-saving decision. 

Our surgeon, Dr. Jay Long, is the absolute best when it comes to finding the right weight loss surgery option. He’s also the best when it comes to performing all of these procedures. Dr Long, along with other members of our team, will be with you every step of the way to make the best decisions. 

To help you wade through all of the information, we like to focus on educating our patients as much as possible about what to expect before, during, and after surgery.

We have three primary weight loss surgery options: gastric sleeve surgery, gastric bypass surgery, and the LAP-BAND. Let’s take a closer look at them all. 

Gastric sleeve surgery

During gastric sleeve surgery, we basically cut away the top and largest part of the stomach, which is called the fundus. We remove about two-thirds of the stomach. The removed section is where the hunger hormone, ghrelin, lives. The combination of removing the hunger hormone and a large portion of the stomach typically leads to significant weight loss.

If using insurance to cover the procedure, you must have a minimum BMI of 35 to 40, along with various other health issues, such as diabetes, sleep apnea, or heart disease. If your BMI is higher than 40, these other health issues are not required. Gastric sleeve is a good option for anyone meeting these requirements without insurance coverage as well.

Compared to other options, gastric sleeve is considered to be a more simple procedure. We do not reroute the intestines like we do during gastric bypass, and we do not put in a foreign body as we do with the LAP-BAND. It typically takes only about 30 to 45 minutes, and we perform the surgery laparoscopically. This means we avoid the need for large abdominal incisions, which typically results in less pain, shorter hospital stays, and faster recovery.

Gastric bypass surgery

With gastric bypass (also called Roux-en-Y), we create a small stomach pouch that restricts food intake. We attach a Y-shaped section of the small intestine to the pouch. This allows food to bypass the lower stomach — the duodenum (the first segment of the small intestine) and the first portion of the jejunum (the second segment of the small intestine). Doing so reduces the amount of food you can take in because your stomach holds only one to two ounces. This bypass also reduces the absorption of nutrients and thereby reduces calorie intake.

Gastric bypass is often a great option for our heavier patients because most lose up to 80% of their excess body weight as opposed to about 60% with gastric sleeve. This rapid weight loss can be very beneficial for those who have more severe health issues, such as sleep apnea, high blood pressure, and diabetes. It’s also a good option for anyone with severe acid reflux or poorly controlled diabetes since gastric bypass has proven to cure both. 

We sometimes hear that people have the impression that gastric bypass is more invasive than other options, but we take a minimally invasive approach. We typically make six incisions, and it’s done completely laparoscopically. It is a little more labor-intensive because we do change your anatomy. The inpatient surgery takes one to two hours and requires a hospital stay of one or two nights.


With this procedure, we place the LAP-BAND near the top of the stomach where it meets the esophagus. This creates a very small pouch that empties into the larger remaining portion of the stomach. We connect the band to a port, which is located underneath the skin of the abdomen. This is how we put fluid in the band, which allows us to make the band opening larger or smaller in size, providing more or less restriction.

We typically perform the LAP-BAND procedure in our outpatient surgery center, and you are usually discharged the same day. Some patients prefer the LAP-BAND because it is not permanent. We are not changing the anatomy of the stomach, and we can take the LAP-BAND out if you choose to do so. It can be a good option for those paying out of pocket, because it is a very cost-effective choice. 

With the LAP-BAND, weight loss may be somewhat slower than with other options. We have to find that “happy place” where you are able to eat well but also maintain smaller portion sizes. This is where band adjustments come into play.

Which option is right for you?

With all three of these weight loss procedures, the goal is for you to lose weight and become healthier, hopefully eliminating or reducing the severity of other health issues. Which one is best for you will depend greatly on your individual situation. But you must remember that no weight loss surgery option is a magic fix for permanent weight loss. While these procedures will certainly help, diet and exercise will still be important. 

You don’t have to figure this all out alone. You’ve made a huge first step in deciding to have weight loss surgery, and Dr. Long will now come alongside you to provide his expertise and experience to consider your unique needs and find the right option.

How to eat after weight loss surgery: avoiding dumping syndrome

dumping syndrome

dumping syndrome
When it comes to weight loss surgery, there is something important that everyone should understand. You will not be successful if you do not change the way you eat.
Gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, and LAP-BAND can help set you up for successful weight loss, but then there’s more work to do.

It is absolutely a challenge though. You can expect to be on a liquid diet one to two weeks prior to weight loss surgery depending on your BMI, and then again, depending on the procedure you have, for a week or two after. When you’re re-introducing solid foods into your diet after about four weeks, there’s definitely a learning curve. 

Our goal is to provide as much education as possible, and this includes information about a condition we want to avoid: dumping syndrome.

What is dumping syndrome?

Dumping syndrome is a condition that can develop after having surgery to remove all or part of your stomach. It can also occur after surgery to bypass your stomach. You may hear this condition called “rapid gastric emptying,” which describes what can happen pretty well. Food, especially sugar, moves from your stomach into your small bowel too quickly.

Most people with dumping syndrome develop signs and symptoms, such as abdominal cramps and diarrhea, 10 to 30 minutes after eating. However, symptoms may occur one to three hours after eating, and some people have both early and late symptoms.

Signs and symptoms of dumping syndrome might include:

  • Feeling bloated or too full after eating
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Diarrhea
  • Flushing
  • Dizziness/lightheadedness
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Sweating
  • Weakness

Avoiding dumping syndrome

We can help prevent dumping syndrome by changing what you eat and how you eat after surgery, and this will be one of our main goals with your diet plan. Changes might include eating smaller meals and limiting high-sugar foods.

Everyone’s different, but after you have weight loss surgery, there are a few rules that will make things easier when it’s time to introduce soft and solid foods. Here are three main considerations that will make you much less likely to experience dumping syndrome or get sick from overeating:

  1. Expect to eat only three or four bites before you feel full. Patients are always very surprised that they feel full after just three or four bites. Eating even one bite too many may be too much, and you could feel sick after that extra bite. Remember that you can save your meal and come back to it when you get hungry later.
  2. Chew your food to an applesauce consistency before you swallow. After a while it will get much easier to eat and get things down without any issues, but in the beginning, chewing thoroughly and taking it slow is very important. It may sound silly and unnecessary, but it really matters when you’re eating solid food again for the first time in weeks. By chewing your food to an applesauce consistency, you’re ensuring that the food goes down more easily and doesn’t get stuck. 
  3. Don’t eat and drink at the same time. There are two reasons for this. First, as mentioned above, you can only eat three or four bites at a time. We want you to focus on these bites so you get the nutrients you need, especially protein. Protein really helps you heal after surgery. So if you’re only able to get in three bites, you don’t want to fill your now smaller stomach up with fluids. Plan on drinking about thirty minutes later, once your food is digested.

Not drinking when you eat is especially important in avoiding dumping syndrome. Why? You’re chewing your food to an applesauce consistency. Now imagine applesauce in your stomach. Then, let’s say you pour water on top of that applesauce. That’s going to thin the applesauce out and cause it to move through your body much more quickly. When this happens, it might make you a little bit nauseous, or you may have to run to the restroom all of a sudden. You’re not staying full as long because that water is just pushing all that food through, and it’s like you never even ate.

Following these three tips will help you avoid scenarios such as this. It may sound daunting, but you will learn how to eat enough food without feeling sick or experiencing dumping syndrome. It can be hard at first, but as time goes on, you’ll learn your body and know exactly what it takes to stay satisfied and healthy.  

Create a healthy you first, then create a healthy family

kids healthy lifestyle

kids healthy lifestyle
Many of our patients at
Birmingham Minimally Invasive come to us wanting to get healthier for their families. Moms and dads want to be able to play with their kids, and through gastric sleeve surgery and our other weight loss surgery options, many people achieve this goal.

Getting healthier serves as a positive example for children, which is important since today many kids are overweight or obese. If you focus on becoming healthier yourself, you can then turn your attention to making sure your entire family is leading a healthy lifestyle.

We know it’s hard though. You are busy, kids are busy. During this time of back to school, life gets even busier. But a healthy, active lifestyle can help keep kids at an appropriate weight, while also preventing health issues, such as diabetes, heart disease, asthma, and high blood pressure.

Creating healthy habits for your family

The earlier you can create healthy habits, the better. Children imitate their parents, so it’s important to set a good example. And being an example is the key. You don’t want to make kids feel bad about their weight or focus on it too much as this can create self-esteem issues that may take root at a young age and progressively get worse over time. But if your family has always been active and eaten healthy foods, it will naturally be good for their health, including their weight.

This all sounds great, but how exactly do you accomplish it? What does it look like practically to lead your family in a healthy lifestyle? What should you focus on the most as kids go back to school?

Here are several things to think about.

  • It starts with what you buy. If you buy junk food, your family will eat junk food. If you buy healthy foods, that’s what they will eat instead. Your shopping cart should be full of healthy foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables and whole-grain items. We do not recommend purchasing or serving kids low-fat foods since they may contain unhealthy added ingredients, including added sugar. 
  • Actually pay attention to portion sizes. If you have been overweight or obese, you may have eaten portions in your past life that were much too large. It may even be that your parents served you portions that were too large. Resist the urge to give kids portions that are too big. Read the nutrition facts label and serve the appropriate amount. If a child asks for more carrots or apples, it may be fine to serve seconds, but for many types of foods, they may not need more.
  • Eating meals together as a family really does matter. Especially on busy school mornings or evenings, it may be easier to serve children their meals at different times or in front of the TV but resist the urge to go this route. Eating together has many important benefits related to health and nutrition, but it’s also a time to connect and communicate.
  • Think about what they drink. In our society, juice and sodas are the norms for many families. But these types of beverages should be limited or not offered, especially for kids. Instead, fill reusable bottles with water and serve a glass of milk with meals at home. Children should not drink diet beverages of any kind. 
  • Focus on fueling their bodies. This may vary by child depending on what activities they are involved in throughout the day, but every child needs a nutritious, filling breakfast. This will refuel their body after a long night, and provide energy to help them get through their day. If your child has snacks throughout the day, send something that will also help refuel them. For example, a candy bar or packet of cheese crackers will not do them much good, but fruit, nuts, cheeses, and peanut butter will help keep them going longer.

Other ways to encourage kids to be healthy

While what your children eat is very important, there are many other factors that go into a healthy lifestyle for you and your family. Getting enough sleep and not having too much screen time each day are factors to consider as well, and physical activity is tied to both of these.

Physical activity should be part of your family’s daily routine. Kids may be involved in sports or other activities at school, and you may go to the gym to work out every day. But you should also make time to be active together. Maybe this is a family walk or bike ride in the evenings. Maybe this looks like running around and playing games in your yard after dinner. 

Find what works for you and prioritize this time of physical activity. It will mean that kids are spending less time on screens, and it will also help their bodies feel tired and ready for a good night’s sleep at the end of the day. 

We always love seeing parents who want to get healthier for their families. We encourage you to focus on yourself first if you need to, and weight loss surgery may be the answer. When it comes to diet plans, exercise plans, and the entire recovery process, we will be with you every step along the way.

Will you have excess skin after weight loss surgery?

excess skin after weight loss surgery

excess skin after weight loss surgery
There are many things to think about if you are considering weight loss surgery. One question that often comes up during consultations with patients is excess or loose skin. Will they have excess skin after losing a significant amount of weight, and how bad will it be? Will it make them look older?

After weight loss surgery, many patients do lose so much weight that they end up with loose or sagging skin. Why is this? When you gain weight, your skin expands around the new mass that your body is adding. When you lose weight, your skin may not have enough elasticity to shrink back down.

While this can be an issue for some, there are solutions and things to know to hopefully relieve any fears you may have about excess skin after weight loss surgery.

Problems with excess skin after weight loss surgery

When it comes to how much excess skin you will have, each person is different. The amount of loose skin you’ll have after weight loss surgery depends on some factors outside of your control, like your weight, age, smoking history, and your genetics. To what extent excess skin bothers you varies as well. It’s totally normal for it to be a big issue for some, while others aren’t bothered by it much at all. A common concern is that saggy skin increases the appearance of premature aging.

However, the problems that arise from excess skin are not always simply cosmetic. Excess skin may cause chafing and rashes, especially when it rubs against other folds of skin or when it stays moist. With saggy skin, folds often rub against themselves, and these folds may be harder to keep clean. Over time, the top layer of your skin (epidermis) tears, and this creates irritation from chafing. This chafing can pave the way for infections. Wearing clothing that’s not as likely to chafe can help.

Addressing excess skin after weight loss surgery

If you’re worried about loose skin after weight loss surgery, whether for health reasons or because you’re concerned about how it may look, it’s important to know that there are several ways to minimize sagging skin after surgery. Here are some of the basics:

  • Eat a balanced diet with plenty of vitamins — A balanced diet with plenty of protein and vitamins can help you keep the weight off and retain lean muscle. This diet may help to some degree to minimize loose or excess skin. Also, be sure to drink plenty of water, which will help make your skin healthier and possibly improve elasticity. 
  • Exercise — Exercise can prevent loose skin after weight loss surgery. When you lose lean muscle mass, you may increase the looseness of your skin. When you build muscle, you actually fill out your skin more.
  • Take care of your skin — Your skin is an organ, and if you want to avoid loose skin after weight loss, taking care of it can help. This includes using sunscreen regularly when outdoors, using moisturizers, and drinking plenty of water to keep your whole body hydrated.
  • Cosmetic surgery (if none of the above are enough) — After losing 100 or 150 pounds, it is realistic to expect that you may still have some excess skin. Cosmetic surgery removes excess skin and fat from your body. A tummy tuck after weight loss surgery is one of the more common procedures. If you’re looking at this option, it’s important to go with a reputable plastic surgeon. The American Society of Bariatric Plastic Surgeons is a good place to start, and we will be happy to make a recommendation.

Excess skin is often made worse or better by your overall health and skin health, in particular. If you ignore your skin, diet, and exercise, you may end up with more loose, saggy skin. But if you take care of your skin and your body overall, you can end up with tight skin that will look good even after you lose weight.

If you are concerned about excess skin or have other questions about weight loss surgery, let us know!

At Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery, we are happy to answer all questions you may have about weight loss surgery and the possibility of excess skin that may result in the appearance of premature aging. Visit us today at or give us a call to set up a consultation at 205-833-6907. 

The gastric sleeve diet: before & after surgery

gastric sleeve diet

When it comes to gastric sleeve surgery, people always want to know two things first: how much will it cost, and what will I actually eat? We share all about the cost of surgery on our website, and in this blog post, we will share details about the gastric sleeve diet. 

The most important thing for you to know is that we are here for you every step along the way. 

Gastric sleeve diet: before surgery

We will help you make a plan for a special diet you will need to follow before surgery. This pre-op diet is geared toward reducing the amount of fat in and around your liver to reduce the risk of complications during surgery. 

Making changes in your diet before surgery will also help you start getting used to a new way of eating. This is a lifelong change, so the sooner you start, the better. Your new eating plan may begin as soon as you are cleared for the procedure.

Guidelines are individualized for each patient, but may include the following:

  • Eliminating or decreasing saturated fats, such as whole milk products, fatty meat, and fried food
  • Eliminating or decreasing foods that are high in carbohydrates, such as sugary desserts, pasta, potatoes, and bread
  • Eliminating high-sugar beverages, such as juice and sodas
  • Practicing portion control
  • Avoiding binge eating
  • Quitting smoking
  • Avoiding alcoholic beverages and recreational drugs
  • Not drinking beverages with meals
  • Taking a daily multivitamin
  • Taking protein supplements

With your pre-op diet, you will likely drink protein shakes and eat other high-protein, low-calorie foods that are easy to digest. As you get closer to your surgery date, you may need to follow a mostly-liquid or liquid-only diet. Based on your weight and overall health, you may be able to eat some solids during this time, such as fish, watered-down hot cereal, or soft-boiled eggs.

Gastric sleeve diet: after surgery

Gastric sleeve surgery drastically reduces the size of your stomach, leaving it a fraction of its original size. A smaller stomach means a stricter diet. In order to allow your stomach to heal and adjust properly, you will be required to follow a post-op diet plan that can be broken down into four stages. 

Stage one of the gastric sleeve diet: liquids

Stage one begins right after your surgery. During this time, you are restricted to clear liquids like water, broth, and unsweetened gelatin. This may sound like it will be challenging, but most patients experience little to no hunger the first few days after surgery.

Important things to remember for stage one of the post-op diet:

  • Avoid sugar – Do not consume any sugary liquids during the first week after surgery. Sugar can have negative side effects on the body and can lead to dumping syndrome, a digestive problem that can occur after bariatric surgery. Food is “dumped” directly from your stomach into your small intestine without being digested. We want to avoid this.
  • No carbonation – Carbonation can lead to gas and bloating and should be avoided.
  • Lots of fluids – It is important to drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated during your recovery process. Just remember to take it slow and only drink small amounts at a time. 

 Stage two of the gastric sleeve diet: protein-rich liquids

We will confirm when you are able to move to stage two, which is usually around five days after surgery. During this stage, you will introduce more liquids into your diet and begin drinking high protein shakes. You may experience an increase in appetite, but it is important that you stick to your diet plan and avoid solid food. Your body will not be able to handle it yet. 

Stage two food options include: 

  • Thin broth and creamed soups (no chunks)
  • Sugar-free protein/nutrition shakes
  • Sugar-free nonfat yogurt or pudding
  • Thinned oatmeal

The goal of stage two is to make sure you are consuming the correct amount of protein and staying hydrated. You should try new foods at a slow pace and in accordance with your diet plan. Sugary liquids should still be avoided, along with carbonation, high fat options, and chunky foods. 

Stage three of the gastric sleeve diet: pureed soft foods

During this stage, your blender will become your best friend. Once you are around two weeks post- surgery, you can begin incorporating pureed soft foods into your diet. The key here is to eat slowly and chew thoroughly. You may find that your tolerance for certain foods has changed, so you should take your time testing new food options. 

At this stage, your food should be the consistency of a thick liquid or smooth paste. You should continue to avoid chunky or fatty foods, sugar, seasonings, starches, and fibrous vegetables like broccoli and asparagus.  

Stage three of the gastric sleeve diet includes pureeing the following food items with water, skim milk, broth, or sugar-free juice:

  • Cooked vegetables (steamed or boiled until soft)
  • Eggs
  • Beans
  • Lean ground meats
  • Soft fruits 
  • Cottage cheese
  • Plain yogurt

Remember to keep drinking liquids. It is easy to become dehydrated after gastric sleeve surgery because your body is no longer getting fluids from some of the foods you used to eat, so always stay on top of your liquid intake. 

Stage four of the gastric sleeve diet: solid foods 

You’ve made it to the final stage. With Dr. Long’s approval, you can begin the transition to eating soft, solid foods around four weeks after surgery. Make sure to test foods one at a time to determine what you can tolerate. 

Try to structure your meals with protein in mind. We recommend consuming around 60 grams of protein per day, which can be difficult if you fill up on other foods first. A daily protein shake, in addition to high protein foods like eggs and lean ground meat, will help you meet your recommended protein goals.

As you slowly start integrating solid foods into your diet, make sure to stick to healthy, easy-to-digest options. This includes things like chicken, fish, well-cooked vegetables, low-fat cheese, and fruit. 

Foods you should continue to avoid: 

  • Whole milk products 
  • Fried foods
  • Starchy items like pasta, white potatoes, and bread
  • Sugary drinks and snacks
  • Over-processed/packaged foods like potato chips 
  • Fibrous vegetables like celery, asparagus, and broccoli
  • Spicy or heavily seasoned foods

 Achieving long-term success after gastric sleeve surgery

Once you have successfully incorporated solid foods back into your diet, it is important to continue making conscious food choices. The amount of food you eat throughout the day will be limited, so what you eat and how you eat is vital to staying on track.

Here are a few helpful tips on how to eat long-term after gastric sleeve surgery:

  • Chew and eat slowly
  • Limit snacking throughout the day
  • Cut food into small pieces 
  • Stick to small portions
  • Do not overeat
  • Avoid trans fats and fried, processed, or fast foods
  • Try not to eat and drink at the same time

For more information about gastric sleeve surgery and the recovery and diet plan process, schedule a consultation with us

Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery is a caring group of professionals who specialize in all types of bariatric surgery, including gastric sleeve surgery. We are so proud of our pricing that we publish the costs right on the front page of our website! We work with our patients to make the process as simple as possible and determine the best payment options on a case-by-case basis. Visit us today at or give us a call to set up a consultation at 205-833-6907. 

Tips for a healthy vacation after weight loss surgery

healthy vacation

healthy vacation
It’s summertime, and for many, this typically means vacations to various destinations. This shouldn’t be any less possible for those who have had weight loss surgery. 

The type of vacation you take might depend somewhat on where you are in the recovery process. A more restful trip might be appropriate if you’ve had surgery recently, while those who are several months or years out from surgery may be ready for a much more active option.  

How to have a healthy vacation

Being able to go on vacation is part of what weight loss surgery is all about! It can help you get to a place where you can be more active and enjoy life to the fullest. This is our hope for all of our patients, and we want you to enjoy your trip without stress or anxiety, especially over what you will be able to eat. 

Here are a few tips to help you enjoy your time away while also sticking to your healthy lifestyle. 

  1. Consider where you will go carefully. While it might be restful, a cruise and their notorious buffets might not be the best choice for someone who has recently had weight loss surgery.. Instead, a tropical location where there will be plenty of opportunities for outside activity and healthy fresh fruits and vegetables might be better. 
  2. Research ahead of time. There are many things you can do to prepare. Research dining options at your hotel; look up other dining options in the area; find out what fruits and vegetables are in season locally; make sure you know if your room has a refrigerator or kitchen; plan easy meals and snacks; and look for places where you can shop for healthy food options. 
  3. Use what you learn to make a plan. Through your research, maybe you find out that you will have a small kitchen, and there’s a local market close to your resort. Instead of feeling like you should always eat out, plan to prepare a few easy meals yourself. You may also want to plan ahead for having plenty of water and healthy snacks for spending time at the beach or pool and while doing other activities, such as hiking. Do you have a reusable water bottle, and do you have a backpack or bag where you can keep everything? These are the details to think about. 
  4. Take along some of your favorite healthy staples. Depending on how far you are traveling, you may be able to pack more food, including perishables, or not much. Staples like raw nuts or tuna packets will probably work for any trip, and if you can take a cooler along with you, fresh fruits, vegetables, and other options may work as well. 
  5. Prioritize drinking water. Drinking enough water every day is very important after weight loss surgery, so this is something you cannot relax about too much. You will feel better and find it easier to stick to your healthy habits if you drink enough water each day on vacation and while traveling. Remember that we often recommend that our patients do not drink while eating meals, so plan ahead for that if you can.
  6. If appropriate, plan an active trip. If you are far enough along in your recovery, focus your trip on all kinds of activity. This might simply mean exploring your vacation destination on foot as much as possible. Also consider options such as hiking, zip-lining, biking, snorkeling, and much more. Take advantage of the fact that you can do all of these things now!

While planning and research will go a long way, it’s very normal to want to indulge while on vacation, and that’s okay! Prepare for this if possible, but know that you might come across an awesome ice cream shop or an item on a menu that you just can’t resist. This is also a part of living that’s important, and we want you to be able to smartly indulge occasionally. Make sure it’s just that though — an indulgence. Then get back to your healthy habits without guilt or shame. Remember that you know what to do, even on vacation. 

If you desire the opportunity to get healthier so you can vacation again, contact us to learn more about which weight loss surgery option may be best for you.

Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery is a caring group of professionals who specialize in all types of bariatric surgery, including gastric sleeve surgery. Visit us today at or give us a call to set up a consultation at 205-833-6907. 

The truth about appetite suppression after weight loss surgery

appetite suppression
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The truth about appetite suppression after weight loss surgery

When you have weight loss surgery (also called bariatric surgery), you need to have all the facts. We want to clear up myths and misconceptions so that you know what to expect. One sometimes confusing issue that we often talk about with patients is appetite suppression. Understandably, people want to know what their appetite will be like after they have weight loss surgery. 

We will look at this more closely in this post, but the short answer is that it’s different for everyone. Many people have the idea that they will not be hungry at all. While this is true for some, it’s not true for everyone. You will likely still experience some hunger, but it will also probably be less than what you experienced before. Appetites are typically suppressed rather than eliminated completely. Here’s why. 

More about appetite suppression

According to the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, bariatric surgery increases the production of certain gut hormones that interact with the brain to reduce hunger, decrease appetite, and enhance satiety (feelings of fullness). Because of these factors, bariatric surgery typically helps produce long-term weight-loss.

When you experience rapid weight loss after surgery, your body goes through many hormonal and biochemical changes. Researchers also believe that the communication between the brain and the process of food digestion in the intestines is disrupted after weight loss surgery. 

Gastric sleeve & appetite suppression

It’s also worth mentioning that the results of gastric sleeve surgery are a little different than with gastric bypass or the LAP-BAND. With gastric sleeve, we cut away and remove part of the stomach. This is where the fundus is located, and the fundus produces the hunger-causing hormone ghrelin. The removal of the fundus and ghrelin significantly reduces hunger sensation in many patients. 

Right after surgery, the combination of swollen tissues and the difference in the amount of ghrelin being produced does often pretty much eliminate hunger and cravings. However, this won’t be permanent. Tissues return to normal, and the reduced ghrelin becomes the new normal that your body adjusts to over time. Many lifestyle factors will also lead to feeling hungrier than you were immediately after surgery, but your appetite will likely still be suppressed. Your hunger levels will eventually fall in line with your new food consumption patterns.

Managing hunger after weight loss

There is a big difference between hunger and cravings. Learning to tell the difference between the two is a big step for long-term weight loss. Even after surgery, you may still experience cravings for trigger foods. For example, you are not hungry at all, but you still want to eat potato chips. This is a craving, not hunger. 

Managing cravings and hunger after weight-loss surgery is very important. We start preparing you for this before your surgery with our pre-surgery diet plans, and you will also have a post-surgery diet plan. 

With a plan, strong willpower, and motivation, managing hunger — whether suppressed or eliminated for a period of time — is possible. Here are some tips that help many of our patients be successful:

  • Eat nutrient-dense foods. Foods that are high in fat and sugar are very low in nutrition. They also provide very little long-term satiety. Nutrient-dense proteins offer large satisfaction in small portions. Focus on lean meats instead of processed ones, and choose whole grains and vegetables for every meal. 
  • Eat slowly. Many of us eat much faster than we should, and our bodies do not register fullness until it’s too late. Instead, eat slowly and chew thoroughly. Your body will be able to catch up and let you know when to stop eating. 
  • Drink water strategically. Drinking water 45 minutes before and after a meal can also help with hunger, especially because we often mistake thirst or hunger. 
  • Have small, frequent meals. This is often key for many of our patients. When you are actually eating more often throughout the day, it can help with hunger and cravings. You don’t feel deprived, and it keeps you feeling satisfied. Five smaller meals often work well, and be sure to never skip meals even if you do not feel hungry.  

While we help prepare you for diet changes before weight loss surgery, it is a big adjustment to manage post-op. Like anything else, you will get used to it. More importantly, your body will adjust. Many patients come to prefer their post-surgery diet plan. To talk more about what to expect regarding appetite and hunger after weight loss surgery, we would love to talk with you about your individual situation. Contact us today!

We will work with you every step along the way on your weight loss surgery eating plan

Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery is a caring group of professionals, including nutritionists and dieticians. Give us a call to set up a consultation at 205-833-6907

Interested in Birmingham Minimally Invasive?

Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery is a caring group of professionals who specialize in all types of bariatric surgery.  Our surgeon Dr. Jay Long has highly specialized training in bariatric surgery, having completed a fellowship in minimally invasive and bariatric surgery at The Methodist Hospital in Houston, Texas, where he focused on taking care of patients that are morbidly obese.  And we are so proud of our pricing that we publish the costs right on the front page of our website!  Insurance won’t pay?  We have a variety of financing options we can offer you so that you are able to get the healthy body you’ve wanted for years.

To get started fill out our form, or call today to set up a consultation. Our helpful team is ready to help you on your weight loss journey! 

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Stories from our patients: reasons for weight loss surgery

weight loss surgery

weight loss surgeryWhen diet and exercise haven’t worked to help you lose weight, it might be time to consider weight loss surgery. This may be even more important if you have other serious health problems known as comorbidities, such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and more.

While this is the more technical explanation of why you might need to have weight loss surgery, we want to focus on some of the more unique and relatable reasons many of our patients made this life-changing decision. We see so many successes, and people are often happy to share their results. 

Read on for some compelling reasons why you might want to consider weight loss surgery based on experiences from our patients. 

Technical reasons for weight loss surgery

First, let’s get a little more technical information out of the way. The weight-loss surgeries we offer at Birmingham Minimally Invasive include gastric sleeve surgery, gastric bypass, and LAP-BAND. Collectively, these types of surgeries are known as bariatric surgery, and they involve making changes to your digestive system.

The overall reason for any bariatric surgery is to help you lose excess weight and reduce your risk of potentially life-threatening weight-related health problems.

Generally speaking, bariatric surgery could be an option if your body mass index (BMI) is 40 or higher (extreme obesity). It may also be an option if your BMI is 35 to 39.9 (obesity), and you have a serious weight-related health problem, such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, or severe sleep apnea. 

Personal reasons for weight loss surgery

While these technical reasons are extremely important, and you will go through an extensive screening process with us to determine the best option for you, there is often more to the story. 

For example, one of our patients, Lisa, decided to get weight loss surgery for her health:

“I had gradual weight gain year after year, Type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, high blood pressure, obstructive sleep apnea, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, unpredictable blood sugar, and I was passing out at work. My cardiologist told me that my number one priority was losing weight. He said I had literally taken years off of my life by not eating healthy and exercising.” Lisa had gastric bypass surgery. Her heaviest weight before meeting Dr. Long was 324, but one year after surgery, she weighed 150. Eventually her weight was 134.

Another patient of ours, Tami, decided to get bariatric surgery because she was missing out on her life: 

“Before surgery, I was miserable. I was unable to do certain things with my son. I had trouble breathing. I struggled to get off the sofa and out of bed. I even had trouble tying my shoes. I couldn’t fit on a roller coaster. I couldn’t cross my legs, and I was sweating all the time. I saw my entire family affected by weight-related health issues, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, diabetes, you name it; I could tell it was just a matter of time before the same thing happened to me.” Tami had gastric sleeve surgery and lost over 100 pounds.

Patti has gastric bypass because over the years she had a hard time losing weight.

I was on so many diet plans and even tried diet pills. None of it helped. Nothing seemed to work for me. I would lose maybe 20 pounds, but then eventually gain it back and, after a while, I became frustrated with the whole process.” Four years after surgery, she was able to eat pretty much anything she wanted. She eats smaller portions, but she says she does everything Dr. Long suggests and has stayed successful. 

Natalie was uncomfortable with herself after gaining weight. 

“I stopped wanting to go out and it got to the point where all I did was go to work and come home. Once I realized I was over 200 pounds, I said, ‘Okay that’s it.’” Natalie had gastric sleeve surgery and was able to get back to a comfortable, healthy weight.

Doctor supervised diets didn’t work for Marco.

“ I just felt like all these diets were all wrong for my body makeup. Every diet I tried, it seemed like I would lose some weight, and then it would just pack right back on.” Marco had gastric sleeve surgery, and after surgery, he stuck to what Dr. Long and staff told him to do. He saw the weight come off!

Jessica started considering weight loss surgery because of her knees. 

“It had actually gotten to the point where I could barely walk anymore. My knee surgeon told me the only other thing that could be done was a knee replacement, but, unfortunately, insurance wouldn’t cover it because I was only 40 years old at the time. While my knee surgeon got me on a weight loss plan, I began doing some research of my own. That’s when I did a Google search and came across Dr. Long at Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery.” Jessica had gastric bypass and was able to return to wearing the same size clothes she wore in high school.

As you can see, success looks different for everyone. But the reasons for weight loss surgery look different too. Whatever your reasons are, they are valid, and we would love to discuss them with you