Category: Weight Loss

Can Weight Loss Surgery Help Reverse Type 2 Diabetes?

Are you suffering from type 2 diabetes? New research says that weight loss surgeries might just be the solution.

One study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, found that slightly obese people had a better chance of reversing diabetes if they underwent weight loss surgery. And, it was even shown that the life quality of those patients had improved significantly.

Bariatric Surgery

In the study mentioned above, patients underwent bariatric surgery. Five years later, one-third of those patients experienced a complete remission of their illness. Those who only sought help through counseling, therapy and other forms of medication did not fare so well in comparison.

The weight loss surgery enabled patients to have healthier levels of blood sugar, and they also needed less insulin on a day to day basis. Their BMI was lowered, due to the weight loss, resulting in lower cholesterol and improved quality of life. Type 2 diabetes causes extremely high blood sugar levels, so this was one of the most noticeable changes after surgery.

European Findings

Another Swedish study showed similar results in patients who had weight loss surgery. In the research, 72 percent of patients achieved remission in just two years following the surgery.

Another study followed the history of 2,010 obese patients, 343 of whom suffered from type 2 diabetes. From 1987-2001, many of these patients underwent a number of weight loss surgeries. Besides the impressive weight loss and lower cholesterol levels reported, they experienced a significant deterioration of beta cells (which often cause spikes in blood sugar).

Surgery as Preventative Measures

Although researchers still need to further investigate how weight loss surgery can lead to remission, it is reassuring to see that surgery can be one solution for type 2 diabetes patients. A diabetes epidemic is currently plaguing the country, which means actively seeking help for weight control, even before diabetes is diagnosed, is essential.

If you would like to get a personal consultation for your case, call or schedule an appointment with one of our physicians today. We’re glad to help answer any questions you may have regarding surgery and weight loss.

Are you a good candidate for weight loss surgery?

If a patient goes through insurance, their qualifications are as follows:

The items below are the minimum necessary for approval of your weight loss surgery. (This is BCBS policy, which is what most insurance companies follow).  However, Medicare is straight forward in their process.  They only go by the BMI specifications listed below.

BMI Specifications

  • Body Mass Index (BMI) of 40 or greater OR…
  • BMI 35 or greater with co-morbid conditions, including but not limited to HTN on optimal drug therapy, cardiovascular disease, diabetes (must be treated with insulin or oral agents), pulmonary hypertension or severe obstructive sleep apnea (RDI of 50 or greater).
  • Documentation of participation in a physician-supervised program of nutrition and increased activity including dietitian consultation, low-calorie diet, increased physical activity and behavioral modification. The program must be for six consecutive months and must be within previous 12 months of the request for surgery. Documentation of program participation must appear in the medical record by the attending physician. Records must include comments by the physician regarding patient progress or lack of progress OR acceptable with medical record documentation of medical supervision are; Weight Watchers, LA Weight Loss, Jenny Craig, EatRight etc. Not acceptable are self-directed programs such as joining a gym, Atkins diet, calorie counting, low fat, cutting back, internet programs, etc.
  • Active participation and documentation of non-surgical methods of weight loss.
  • Diagnosed as morbidly obese for 3 years or more in medical records. A letter from the PCP and dated photographs will be considered in lieu of recorded heights and weights.
  • 18 years of age
  • Primary Care Physicians Letter (PCP Letter)
  • Consult and Recommendation for a surgeon from a bariatric surgeon.
  • Must stop smoking at least 8 weeks prior to surgery.

BMI Requirements

Some insurance companies vary on criteria.  Some only have a 3-month diet, some have no diet, and some have a 6-month diet.  The main thing is the BMI requirements…35 with a comorbidity and 40 without.  Now with Private Pay is different.  The Comorbidities do not have to be present.

Can Weight Loss Surgery Help Reverse Type 2 Diabetes?

What is Type 2 Diabetes:

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by insulin resistance and/or insufficient insulin production, resulting in elevated blood sugar levels.

Are you suffering from type 2 diabetes? New research says that weight loss surgeries might just be the solution.

One study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, found that slightly obese people had a better chance of reversing diabetes if they underwent weight loss surgery. And, it was even shown that the life quality of those patients had improved significantly.

Bariatric Surgery:

In the study mentioned above, patients underwent bariatric surgery. Five years later, one-third of those patients experienced a complete remission of their illness. Those who only sought help through counseling, therapy, and other forms of medication did not fare so well in comparison.

The weight loss surgery enabled patients to have healthier levels of blood sugar, and they also needed less insulin on a day-to-day basis. Their BMI was lowered, due to the weight loss, resulting in lower cholesterol and improved quality of life. Type 2 diabetes causes extremely high blood sugar levels, so this was one of the most noticeable changes after surgery.

European Findings

Another Swedish study showed similar results in patients who had weight loss surgery. In the research, 72 percent of patients achieved remission in just two years following the surgery.

Another study followed the history of 2,010 obese patients, 343 of whom suffered from type 2 diabetes. From 1987-2001, many of these patients underwent a number of weight loss surgeries. Besides the impressive weight loss and lower cholesterol levels reported, they experienced a significant deterioration of beta cells (which often cause spikes in blood sugar).

Surgery as Preventative Measures

Although researchers still need to further investigate how weight loss surgery can lead to remission, it is reassuring to see that surgery can be one solution for type 2 diabetes patients. A diabetes epidemic is currently plaguing the country, which means actively seeking help for weight control, even before diabetes is diagnosed, is essential.

If you would like to get a personal consultation for your case, call or schedule an appointment with one of our physicians today. We’re glad to help answer any questions you may have regarding surgery and weight loss.