Category: Weight Loss

Lose Weight and Improve Heart Health

obesity and heart disease

obesity and heart disease
Heart health is always important, especially if you are obese since heart-related comorbidities are more likely to be present. So w
hat exactly does “heart disease” mean? According to the CDC, this refers to several types of heart conditions, such as coronary artery disease (CAD), which affects the blood flow to the heart. Decreased blood flow can cause a heart attack. About 655,000 Americans die from heart disease each year.

However, there are many things you can do to improve your heart health! For those who are obese, this will probably start with losing weight.

Signs, Symptoms, & Risk Factors for Heart Disease

Sometimes heart disease may be “silent” and not diagnosed until you experience signs or symptoms of a heart attack, heart failure, or an arrhythmia. When these events happen, symptoms may include:

  • Heart attack — Chest pain or discomfort; upper back or neck pain; indigestion; heartburn; nausea or vomiting; extreme fatigue; upper body discomfort; dizziness; and shortness of breath
  • Arrhythmia — Fluttering feelings in the chest (palpitations)
  • Heart failure — Shortness of breath; fatigue; or swelling of the feet, ankles, legs, abdomen, or neck veins

High blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and smoking are major risk factors for heart disease. Several other conditions and lifestyle choices can also put you at a higher risk for heart disease, including:

  • Diabetes
  • Overweight or obese
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Physical inactivity
  • Excessive alcohol use

If you’re obese, you should always be looking for signs of heart failure, including fatigue, shortness of breath, and an irregular heartbeat.

Losing Weight to Improve Heart Health

If you’re extremely obese, losing weight can mean “less heart disease, less diabetes, and less cancer,” according to the American Heart Association

Losing weight can reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke; improve associated risk factors, and help improve cholesterol levels. Moderate weight loss of even 10% in those who are obese can improve heart health and other conditions. When it comes to your heart, the significant impact of weight loss on the cardiovascular system is decreased stress on the heart, which leads to improvements in its structure and function.

We know that taking action to lose weight and improve your health may seem overwhelming. You may have had trouble losing weight or maintaining weight loss in the past, but there are a few things you can do that are really pretty simple. 

The main areas to focus on include:

Changing your diet. 

It’s simple to say but not always simple to do. On a very basic level, to lose weight, you have to reduce the number of calories you consume. Tracking everything you eat is often helpful in the beginning and can be eye-opening. Reducing calories by 500 per day should help you lose about one pound a week.

Increasing physical activity. 

For those who are extremely obese, a workout routine may not be possible yet. But by increasing daily movement, you will help your body burn more calories and prime it for more activity later. It works well for many to increase physical activity after experiencing about 10% weight loss.

Weight loss surgery. 

Sometimes changing your diet and increasing physical activity isn’t enough, and this is where weight loss surgery comes in. The American Heart Association recommends surgery for those who are healthy enough for the procedure and have been unsuccessful with lifestyle changes and medication. 

This is where Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery comes in to help you determine if weight loss surgery is right for you. Our three most popular options include gastric sleeve surgery, gastric bypass surgery, and the LAP-BAND. We have seen these surgeries change people’s lives over and over again by improving not only heart health and other conditions but by giving them their quality of life back.

If you’ve been on the fence about scheduling an appointment to talk with us, make it your mission to come to see us soon!

4 New Year’s Resolutions for Weight Loss You May Not Have Considered Before

weight loss resolutions

weight loss resolutions
Lose weight. Eat healthier. Exercise more. These are admirable resolutions, but they are also very generic and non-specific. If you are struggling with your weight and you make resolutions such as these, you are probably setting yourself up for failure. 

That may be a hard truth, but instead of suggesting these typical resolutions, we want to share advice from patients of Birmingham Minimally Invasive that will help you make much more specific and attainable goals for 2021.

Weight Loss Resolutions that Will Really Make a Difference in 2021

1. Be mindful about weight gain & honest with yourself

If there’s one thing we hear often from patients it’s that the weight just started creeping up without them really realizing how bad it was getting. June was one of these patients. She says, “Over the years, I consistently gained weight. I’d gain about 5 to 10 pounds every couple of months, and literally before I knew it, I was pushing 300 pounds. It just kind of happens before you know it.” 

Make sure that you do know it. It’s not just about the number on the scale. It’s about how your clothes fit, what your relationship with food is like, and how you feel overall. Don’t let things get too bad before you start making some changes.

2. Go back to a healthier time in your life

For many of us, there has been a time in our lives when we were healthier. There was a time when we were more active, but we have gotten away from that lifestyle for whatever reason. BMI patient, Scott says, “For years, I was active, doing a job I loved that helped keep me at a healthy weight of about 180 to 185 pounds.” But then he switched jobs and became very inactive on a daily basis. 

“If you’re thinking about it, and really want to change your life and get back the old you, do it. I wish I could go back and do it 20 years ago. You can’t keep hoping that everybody will fix you. You have to fix yourself and start taking care of your body. My advice is to listen to it; it will tell you what it needs,” Scott says. 

3. Truly be there for your family

Being there for your family is about more than just being physically present. Your family doesn’t want you sitting on the couch all the time because you have no energy or stamina to do anything else. They need you to play with them, go on walks, to attend activities and baseball games, and so much more. 

Marco says, “I knew I had to do something. I had to come to terms with myself and put myself first this time because if I didn’t, I wouldn’t be there for my family.” He could not even go to the grocery store with his wife or kids without having to sit down due to his high blood pressure and high blood sugar. After gastric sleeve surgery, he can now go to the grocery store and do much, much more.

4. Get in touch with people who have already had successful weight loss surgery

Elizabeth also had gastric sleeve surgery at BMI, and her advice for anyone considering the option is to talk to people who have already gone through it.

“Get their perspective – is there stuff they miss? You should go into it with the understanding that you’re not going to be able to eat like the rest of your family, and if you have a really bad day, you can’t eat a whole pizza and drink a bottle of wine. You can have a piece and a glass, but that’s it. Once you learn about the surgery from someone who’s been through it and been successful, I believe you’ll be better prepared going into it.”

As we near the end of 2020, a year that has challenged us all, think about possible resolutions in a new way. It’s not just about losing weight, eating healthier, and exercising more. There is so much more to changing your life than just those broad goals. Be specific and intentional, and you will set yourself up for a fantastic 2021.

Let BMI Surgery help you get started on the road to successful weight loss

The caring group of professionals at Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery will help you get started on your weight loss journey and stay with you every step along the way. Dr. Long and his team specialize in all types of bariatric surgery, including gastric sleeve surgery, gastric bypass, and the LAP-BAND. Visit us today at or give us a call to set up a consultation at 205-833-6907. 

How to Have a Holiday Season that Does Not Revolve Around Food

healthy holidays

healthy holidays
The holiday season and food go hand in hand, and for many of us, it can be a wonderful time of year, even after weight loss surgery. It is absolutely possible to learn new habits and behaviors that you carry with you through festive parties and gatherings so that you continue to feel your best and stay on track with healthy eating and exercise.

But the holidays do often involve temptations that can lead us off track from our healthy habits. A simple indulgence could lead you into an episode of overeating that you really want to avoid. Knowing what to expect and having a plan is crucial!

Tips to Avoid Overeating During the Holidays

Avoiding overeating may not be a huge issue if you’ve had weight loss surgery in the past year or so. During this period of time, your body just won’t let you consume as much food without feeling sick. You learn your lesson pretty quickly, and people are better able to stick with what they know they should do. The challenge will be more for those who have not yet had weight loss surgery or for those who are a few years out from it. 

Here are some healthy tips to help you keep yourself in a positive mindset while handling holiday eating in the best way possible.

Focus on weight maintenance instead of weight loss. Don’t stress yourself out about losing weight during this time. When you let go of this idea, you will hopefully feel more relaxed and handle all of the holiday treats and sweets in a better way. Also remember that one day of splurging will not ruin everything. Commit to making better decisions the next day and move on. 

Start new traditions. Instead of focusing on food-related activities, make holiday crafts that you can give as gifts. Plan to take a walk or play games with relatives instead of having an extended meal that lasts all day. Make a gingerbread house that will be for decoration only. Take a ride around town to see Christmas lights. In general, find new ways of celebrating that do not revolve around food. 

Drink extra water. Even more than 64 ounces during the holidays is a good idea. Weight fluctuations during the holidays may be due to eating a higher amount of salt or carbs which can make you more bloated than usual. Drink extra water to help flush out the extra sodium. 

Never arrive hungry and don’t save your calories. Eat on your normal schedule, which often means smaller meals more frequently after weight loss surgery. It can be tempting to skip meals leading up to a party or dinner, but you are more likely to overeat in the moment if you do this. It’s a strategy that almost always backfires.

Eat the turkey or ham first. People who have had weight loss surgery should always focus on eating protein first, and the holidays are no exception to this rule. Protein is essential for wound healing, preserving lean body mass, enhancing fat-burning metabolism, and minimizing hair loss after weight loss surgery. After you have eaten your protein, take a few, small bites of your favorite dishes.

Think about the foods you know you like the most. A common approach to holiday buffets, cookie exchanges, and potlucks is to try a little bit of everything. After weight loss surgery, this just isn’t possible or a good idea. You will overeat if you try even one bite of all the selections available. Ahead of time, think about those foods that you truly love. Maybe it’s sweet potato pie or eggnog. Enjoy a small amount of those treats, be satisfied, then be done.  

Sit far away from the buffet or kitchen and socialize. It’s a simple fact that if you are enjoying yourself farther away from the food, you are more likely to forget about it. Try to sit somewhere so that the food is not even in sight to avoid mindless nibbling and going back for one more taste. Instead, take the time to really spend quality time with family and friends.

Don’t take home leftovers and give away extras. You can still bake cookies with your kids, but have a plan to deliver the majority of them to family, friends, and neighbors. If attending a dinner, don’t give in to the offer from the host to take home leftovers. Instead, leave any leftovers you might have from the dishes you took for the host or others. You may also be able to donate cookies and other extra goodies to those in need. 

Tweak some of your favorites. It may be possible in many cases to create a healthy version of your favorite dishes or treats that you can enjoy with no concerns. Treat these recipes or recipe changes as you would any other meal or dish. Don’t put these foods up on a pedestal just because of the holidays. 

Here are a few ingredient swaps that may make dishes healthier:

  • Use skim milk instead of whole milk in mashed potatoes
  • Use fat-free creamed soups in recipes rather than the full-fat versions
  • Consider substitutes for sugar, such as unsweetened applesauce or noncaloric sweeteners
  • Add flavor with garlic, spices and herbs rather than fats, such as butter and gravy
  • Combine 1/4 cup Greek yogurt with 1/2 cup butter to replace 1 cup of butter in a recipe
  • When baking your favorite holiday treats, replace each egg with two egg whites, and substitute evaporated skim milk in place of heavy cream

Sweet potato casserole, macaroni and cheese, and hot chocolate can all be made healthier with a few creative swaps. 

Let BMI Surgery help you get started on the road to weight loss during the holidays or any other time of the year

The caring group of professionals at Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery will help you get started on your weight loss journey and stay with you every step along the way. Dr. Long and his team specialize in all types of bariatric surgery, including gastric sleeve surgery, gastric bypass, and the LAP-BAND. Visit us today at or give us a call to set up a consultation at 205-833-6907. 

Thanksgiving Dinner After Weight Loss Surgery

after weight loss surgery

after weight loss surgery
No matter what stage of life, or weight loss, you are in, Thanksgiving should always be a wonderful time of year. While Thanksgiving 2020 may look different for many of us due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it is likely to be a day that is focused around food. 

For someone who has had weight loss surgery and lost a significant amount of weight, this may be anxiety-inducing. This is understandable, and you are not alone if you feel this way. 

With the right mindset, commitment to remember and practice everything you have learned about healthy eating, and a positive attitude, Thanksgiving can continue to be a day to look forward to each year.

Tips for Enjoying Thanksgiving After Weight Loss Surgery

First, we want to note that this advice applies to those who are at least six months out from weight loss surgery. If you have had gastric sleeve surgery, gastric bypass, or the LAP-BAND more recently than that, you will still be more restricted on what and how much you can eat. If you have any questions regarding this, please contact us to talk more.

Change your mindset about what Thanksgiving is all about.
Plain and simple, Thanksgiving is about eating lots of food for many people. Instead of having this mindset, think of it as a time to see and visit with friends and family. Due to COVID, you may not have seen everyone recently. You may be celebrating outside in a distanced way, but truly enjoy this time and be thankful if you are able to be together.

Take advantage of the opportunity to make one or more healthy dishes.
For many standard Thanksgiving meals, everyone participates by preparing and sharing a dish. You may be assigned something to bring, and in that case, you can create a healthy version. If you get to decide what to take, prepare something healthy that you will be excited to eat and that others will also enjoy.

Start your plate with protein.
It may depend on how it’s prepared, but turkey is often a lower fat protein choice, so that may be a good place to start. If you are concerned that the turkey may be deep-fried or prepared in another unhealthy way, consider making your own herb-roasted turkey breast. It will be less time consuming than roasting a whole turkey, delicious, and healthy!

Be strategic about the rest of your plate.
We recommend focusing on vegetables as much as possible. Raw veggies are great, as well as other options, such as steamed green beans or carrots. Everyone will love these brussels sprouts with bacon and orange-scented green beans. Remember that items like cranberry relish, rolls, and stuffing will be high in sugar and calories, and they will also fill you up quickly. If you love those things, only leave room on your plate for one of two bites. 

How to handle dessert.
Many of us love and look forward to Thanksgiving pies, and that’s okay even after weight loss surgery! We don’t recommend depriving yourself completely, but you must be careful. Very small portions are the answer, as well as other ideas, such as eating a small amount of filling from pies but not the crust.

The Aftermath of the Big Meal

Because of the sheer amount of different foods involved, you may feel a little more full than normal after your Thanksgiving meal. Eating slowly will help, and remember you can always save your leftovers for later. You may also consider going for a walk, which will likely be just what your body needs. This can be a great activity to do with friends or family members.

We have confidence in you to appropriately handle Thanksgiving! You know what to do and how to eat every other day, and this day is no different. There are tons of healthy Thanksgiving recipes out there — find more ideas here. Happy Thanksgiving!

BMI Patients Share Why They Are Thankful for Weight Loss Surgery

thankful for weight loss

thankful for weight loss
As we get closer to Thanksgiving 2020 and a time to think about all the things we are thankful for, we want to say a big “THANK YOU” to all of our wonderful patients. This year has been challenging for all of us, but with your patience and trust,
BMI Surgery has been able to continue seeing patients and performing life-changing weight-loss surgeries even amid a global pandemic.

Continuing to provide our services and surgeries is so important to us because we are able to help people get healthier, both physically and mentally. We love seeing your success and hearing about it. 

Stories of Thanksgiving from BMI Patients

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we are sharing some of the stories patients have told us about regarding why they are so thankful they had weight loss surgery. Their starting weights, health conditions, and surgery experiences are all different, but the common thread is that they are thankful for our surgeon, Dr. Jay Long, and how he has helped them on their weight loss journeys.

Patty: Thankful for a great recovery process
“The recovery process after surgery was really good for me. I was only out of work for two weeks. Considering a lot of people are out for six to eight weeks, it was a big plus to have such a short recovery time. Doing the surgery laparoscopically made it possible for me to have minimal down time, so I could get back to my normal life. I didn’t have to miss much work and I haven’t experienced any problems since the surgery.”

Lisa: Thankful for significantly improved health conditions
“Immediately after beginning to lose weight, I was able to live without my diabetes medication. I was no longer diabetic. I no longer had high cholesterol, high triglycerides, high blood pressure, or sleep apnea. Just being free from all of those diseases and corresponding medications so quickly was a huge surprise to me.”

Natalie: Thankful for a smooth pre- and post-surgery experience
“The process leading up to the surgery was very simple. We scheduled my surgery about two weeks after I first met with Dr. Long. I went to the nutrition class on a Monday, had my surgery on a Tuesday, and went home the same day. The following Monday I was able to help my son get to a doctor’s appointment, and by Tuesday, I was back to work.”

Amber: Thankful for the ability to be active
“I am very active now, and I love it. I enjoy exercising, kayaking, hiking, and keeping up with my active kids! I also love getting dressed up and going out now, whether it be dinner with my husband or going to the movies with my friends. I actually enjoy getting ready and feel comfortable in my own skin.”

Elizabeth: Thankful for the desire to eat healthy
“Since the surgery, while I tend to crave a variety of things, I’d say I eat very healthy most days. If I have something that’s super processed or full of sugar, it makes me feel weird, like I can feel my system is in the wrong gear. Because of this, I definitely crave unhealthy stuff a whole lot less than I did before, and for someone who was able to always pack it in, it’s nice to have an internal governor that makes me want to stop after only a bite or two.”

June: Thankful for a doctor who looks out for your best interests
“When I went to see Dr. Long for the first time, I immediately told him I wanted to do gastric band. After he spent some time getting to know me, he told me he just didn’t think I’d be happy with gastric band. He didn’t think it would fit my lifestyle. He thought I would do better with gastric bypass and said something I’ll never forget. With gastric bypass, he said that at some point in time, I would be able to eat whatever my family eats – I just wouldn’t be able to eat as much. I’m so glad I decided to do gastric bypass because Dr. Long was absolutely right. I have no regrets. None.”

We are thankful for all of these successes our patients have experienced. We are confident that you will have success as well, and it will probably be better than you could have ever imagined!

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Gastric Sleeve Surgery

gastric sleeve

gastric sleeve
Gastric sleeve surgery is one of our most popular weight loss surgery options at Birmingham Minimally Invasive. There are many benefits and reasons to choose this surgery, including the fact that it is a cost-effective choice for many. It’s also a low-risk procedure with a high success rate. 

We like to be as open and honest as possible, and this includes talking about the potential risks of any surgery and what recovery may be like.  

What Happens During Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Gastric sleeve surgery is a laparoscopic bariatric procedure that reconfigures the stomach into a sleeve-like shape. In doing so, we remove a part of the stomach responsible for producing ghrelin, the hormone, that tells your brain when you’re hungry. The surgery also restricts the size of the stomach, making it much harder to eat large portions of food. These two factors combine to help you lose weight.

What Are the Risks of Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Overall, gastric sleeve surgery is a very safe procedure. Our surgeon, Dr. Jay Long, has performed the surgery many, many times. While it is a minimally invasive procedure, it is a significant inpatient surgery, which will always carry some risk. Here are the three main risks you should know about:

  1. Internal bleeding — Because of the nature of the procedure, internal bleeding is a risk. However, with so much experience performing gastric sleeve, we have great methods to correct and combat this risk. It is not a common outcome of the surgery.
  2. Infection — All surgeries carry some risk of infection, and gastric sleeve is no different. But infections from this procedure are very rare. If it does occur, we treat the infection with antibiotics.
  3. Eating too much after surgery — This risk is more specific to gastric sleeve surgery. Since it is a restrictive procedure, overeating after surgery can lead to severe abdominal pain and cramps. With overeating, you may also experience vomiting or diarrhea. 

To avoid risk #3, our professionals at BMI Surgery will work with you along the way as much as possible. You will have a diet plan and all the tools and information you need to be successful. It will be a challenge in the beginning, but as time goes on, our patients typically get into a really good groove of knowing what to eat, what their body needs, and how to accomplish their goals. 

What to Expect After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Gastric sleeve surgery greatly reduces the size of your stomach and limits the amount of food that you can eat at one time. It does not cause decreased absorption of nutrients or bypass your intestines. After eating a small amount of food, you will feel full very quickly and continue to feel full for several hours. The procedure may also cause your appetite to decrease due to the removal of the hunger hormone mentioned above.

Depending on your pre-operative weight, you can expect to lose between 40 to 70% of your excess body weight in the first year after gastric sleeve surgery. Additionally, many obesity-related problems improve or resolve after the procedure. This may include diabetes, hypertension, obstructive sleep apnea, and abnormal cholesterol levels. 

Gastric Sleeve Recovery

Because we remove a large portion of your stomach, it will take some time to recover. Exactly how long it takes you to get back to normal will depend on many factors, including your starting weight and what type of job you have.  

You will be required to follow a strict post-op eating plan that will look similar to this: 

  • Stage one of the gastric sleeve diet: liquids — right after surgery
  • Stage two of the gastric sleeve diet: protein-rich liquids — a few days after surgery
  • Stage three of the gastric sleeve diet: pureed soft foods — approximately two weeks after surgery
  • Stage four of the gastric sleeve diet: solid foods — approximately four weeks after surgery

Going through this diet plan while letting your body adjust is an extremely important part of recovery. Your body will learn new healthy habits, and most patients stay very motivated to continue eating in the way they should even after the post-op gastric sleeve diet is complete.

Three Tips for Success After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

The reality is that you will not be able to go back to your old eating habits, including eating unhealthy foods and eating too much. Your commitment to following your plan will play a huge role in your success. It goes much beyond the fact that your stomach is now smaller. 

While there are many tips, tricks, and pieces of advice that we will provide you with when you have gastric sleeve surgery at BMI, here are three of the most important tips for success:

  1. Eat small portions — By eating small portions, you’ll be likely to absorb more of the nutrients in the food while also feeling full. You will also be less likely to experience any adverse effects of overeating. 
  2. Eat slowly — You won’t feel as full or satisfied when you eat fast, which often causes people to eat more. By eating slowly, you will allow your body to tell you when it’s full.
  3. Only drink between meals — Liquids take up space in your stomach and make you feel full. When having a meal, you need this space for food to provide your body with important vitamins and nutrients. Drinking during non-meal times is often very helpful.

As you can see, there are many good things we can say about gastric sleeve surgery. While there are some challenges and risks, we have many tools to make sure you experience no complications or negative consequences of the surgery. We will do everything we can to help set you up for success! 

Why You Should Be Scared of Being Overweight

reality of obesity

obesity, overweight
Obesity is a growing problem in the U.S., and it has become a hot topic recently due to its connection with more
severe outcomes of COVID-19. However concerning obesity already was, when you throw a pandemic in the mix, it’s a situation that gets even scarier.

Recently, the CDC released the 2019 Adult Obesity Prevalence Maps for 49 states, the District of Columbia, and two U.S. territories. The maps show self-reported adult obesity prevalence by race, ethnicity, and location. The data comes from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, an on-going state-based, telephone interview survey conducted by CDC and state health departments.

The 2019 maps show that obesity impacts some groups more than others, but the overall results are frightening. No states are doing well when it comes to reducing obesity rates, and Alabama, the home state of Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery, is one of the absolute worst.  

The Reality of Obesity: Facts & Figures

Obesity is a common, serious, and costly disease. In the U.S., the prevalence of obesity was 42.4% from 2017 to 2018. The prevalence of obesity was 40.0% among young adults aged 20 to 39 years; 44.8% among middle-aged adults aged 40 to 59 years; and 42.8% among adults 60 and older.

All states and territories had more than 20% of adults with obesity, a startling fact in and of itself. However, it gets worse when you look at states more specifically:

  • 20% to less than 25% of adults had obesity in one 1 state (Colorado) and the District of Columbia
  • 25% to less than 30% of adults had obesity in 13 states
  • 30% to less than 35% of adults had obesity in 23 states, Guam, and Puerto Rico.
  • 35% or more adults had obesity in 12 states (Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, and West Virginia).
  • The Midwest (33.9%) and South (33.3%) had the highest prevalence of obesity, followed by the Northeast (29.0%), and the West (27.4%).

Why Being Overweight Matters So Much

As mentioned already, obesity is considered an underlying health condition that may lead to more severe cases and outcomes of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. But there’s much more to it than that.

People who are overweight, compared to those at a healthy weight, are at increased risk for many other serious diseases and health conditions, such as:

  • High blood pressure
  • High LDL cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol, or high levels of triglycerides
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Sleep apnea and breathing problems
  • Many types of cancer
  • Low quality of life
  • Mental illness, such as clinical depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders
  • Body pain and difficulty with physical functioning

What Has Caused Increased Rates of Obesity?

This is a question many of us would love to know a definite answer for, but the truth is, no one can say for sure. Scientific studies often reach conflicting conclusions, which means there are many theories out there. Overall, the evidence points to two basic factors leading to our weight problems: too much food and too little exercise.

The rise in fast food sales probably plays a big part. Fast food consumption makes up about 11% of the average American diet, according to research published by the World Health Organization. Increasing consumption of added sugars from soda and energy drinks has also been shown to contribute to increasing obesity rates by another study.

Lack of exercise is also a major culprit. Many of us sit throughout the majority of our days. Not only while at work, but also when we get home. Of course, this means we are getting less exercise. In fact, according to the CDC, 80% of Americans don’t get enough exercise. Other research suggests that Americans burn 120 to 140 fewer calories a day than we did 50 years ago.

When you consider the higher calorie consumption and less physical activity, weight gain is really no surprise. Add in lack of sleep, stress, and some genetic factors that may influence slowing metabolisms, and things only get worse.

Are You Scared of Obesity Yet?

Honestly, you should be. For all the reasons mentioned above, and many more. It’s crucial that we start eating healthier and getting more exercise. For many people, this means starting small. Working up to bigger changes works for some, and they are able to lose weight and become healthier. 

But it doesn’t work quite like that for many people. Being overweight is a big problem and sometimes it requires larger interventions, such as weight loss surgery. It is a huge step to take, but it is often exactly what many people need to jumpstart their weight loss journey. 

Fight obesity to fight COVID-19

obesity and COVID-19

obesity and COVID-19
As our nation and world continue to battle COVID-19, one thing has become clear. Those with certain underlying medical conditions, as
defined by the Centers for Disease Control, are at higher risk for severe illness. 

According to the Obesity Society, this includes seniors, people with pre-existing respiratory and cardiac disease, and those with compromised immune systems. People who are obese have a greater chance of being in each of these categories and should therefore be considered at increased risk for severe disease as well. (Find a large list of resources about this topic on their website.)

So what does all of this mean? It is more important than ever to fight obesity and help as many people as possible get healthier. Even as we continue to go through this pandemic, it’s not too late to start making changes for those who are obese. For those who are at risk of becoming obese, it’s crucial to stop that from happening.

At Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery, we want to do everything we can to help you get healthy and stay healthy. This may be the right time to finally commit to having weight loss surgery and jump start your journey toward better health.

More about obesity

For years, obesity has been a growing health problem affecting millions of people across the U.S. Poor eating habits, high levels of stress, environmental factors, and some genetic factors contribute to weight gain for many people. Without proper intervention and treatment, weight gain can escalate to dangerous levels, leading to a heightened risk of diseases, health problems, significant physical disability, or even death.

We typically divide obesity into these categories, using Body Mass Index (BMI):

  • Class 1: BMI of 30 to < 35
  • Class 2: BMI of 35 to < 40
  • Class 3: BMI of 40 or higher and more than 100 pounds over what is considered an ideal body weight

Obesity is a complex and progressive disease that increases your risk of developing comorbidities and weight-related health problems, as well as interfering with your ability to perform many daily physical functions.

Health risks & conditions associated with obesity

We consider obesity to be a chronic disease, and if left untreated, it can lead to the development of one or more serious health problems. Common conditions associated with obesity include:

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Sleep apnea and other breathing disorders
  • Reproductive problems
  • Stroke
  • Fatty liver disease

What you may notice is that many of the conditions listed above are also underlying medical conditions that make people more likely to suffer severe outcomes with COVID-19. Obesity can also negatively affect your immune system, a critical component to fighting the virus. The ties between obesity and the novel coronavirus are unmistakable. 

How to start fighting obesity today

If you are obese, what can you do right now — TODAY — to start getting healthier and increasing your immune function?

  • Decrease your calories — Cut out simple carbohydrates such as sweets, candy, baked goods, sugar-sweetened beverages, jams, jelly, etc.
  • Decrease excess “bad” (saturated or trans) fats — These are commonly found in commercial baked goods, processed or fried foods, cheese, whole, and 2% milk, ice cream, cream, fatty meats, butter, and margarine. 
  • Increase fruits and vegetables — Aim for two cups of whole fruit per day and at least three cups of vegetables per day.
  • Increase low-fat dairy and protein — Drink or eat three cups of low-fat (1% or skim) dairy per day. Eat two to three ounces of lean meat or beans with two meals per day.
  • Increase water — Drink at least 60 to 80 ounces of water per day.
  • Increase exercise — It can be challenging for those who are obese, but more physical activity of any kind will be helpful.

Your next step: weight loss surgery

While we want you to start getting healthier right now to reduce your risk of suffering from COVID-19 and other diseases and conditions, you may need more help to lose weight. Obesity is a progressive disease because the excess weight gain causes a number of hormonal and metabolic changes in the body that increase the risk for even greater fat accumulation over time, making it difficult to fight using diet and exercise alone.

At Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery, we have several tried and true methods of weight loss surgery, including gastric sleeve surgery, gastric bypass surgery, and the LAP-BAND. We work to educate our patients about their weight loss options, as well as life after surgery. 

To learn more about these options and begin the journey to improving your health, schedule a consultation with us today.

Want to start fighting against obesity?

Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery is a caring group of professionals who specialize in all types of bariatric surgery, including gastric sleeve surgery. We have the resources to help you prepare for surgery, undergo successful surgery, and recover after, including personalized plans for diet and exercise that will help you learn healthy habits that you can pass on to your family. Give us a call to set up a consultation at 205-833-6907

How to eat after weight loss surgery: avoiding dumping syndrome

dumping syndrome

dumping syndrome
When it comes to weight loss surgery, there is something important that everyone should understand. You will not be successful if you do not change the way you eat.
Gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, and LAP-BAND can help set you up for successful weight loss, but then there’s more work to do.

It is absolutely a challenge though. You can expect to be on a liquid diet one to two weeks prior to weight loss surgery depending on your BMI, and then again, depending on the procedure you have, for a week or two after. When you’re re-introducing solid foods into your diet after about four weeks, there’s definitely a learning curve. 

Our goal is to provide as much education as possible, and this includes information about a condition we want to avoid: dumping syndrome.

What is dumping syndrome?

Dumping syndrome is a condition that can develop after having surgery to remove all or part of your stomach. It can also occur after surgery to bypass your stomach. You may hear this condition called “rapid gastric emptying,” which describes what can happen pretty well. Food, especially sugar, moves from your stomach into your small bowel too quickly.

Most people with dumping syndrome develop signs and symptoms, such as abdominal cramps and diarrhea, 10 to 30 minutes after eating. However, symptoms may occur one to three hours after eating, and some people have both early and late symptoms.

Signs and symptoms of dumping syndrome might include:

  • Feeling bloated or too full after eating
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Diarrhea
  • Flushing
  • Dizziness/lightheadedness
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Sweating
  • Weakness

Avoiding dumping syndrome

We can help prevent dumping syndrome by changing what you eat and how you eat after surgery, and this will be one of our main goals with your diet plan. Changes might include eating smaller meals and limiting high-sugar foods.

Everyone’s different, but after you have weight loss surgery, there are a few rules that will make things easier when it’s time to introduce soft and solid foods. Here are three main considerations that will make you much less likely to experience dumping syndrome or get sick from overeating:

  1. Expect to eat only three or four bites before you feel full. Patients are always very surprised that they feel full after just three or four bites. Eating even one bite too many may be too much, and you could feel sick after that extra bite. Remember that you can save your meal and come back to it when you get hungry later.
  2. Chew your food to an applesauce consistency before you swallow. After a while it will get much easier to eat and get things down without any issues, but in the beginning, chewing thoroughly and taking it slow is very important. It may sound silly and unnecessary, but it really matters when you’re eating solid food again for the first time in weeks. By chewing your food to an applesauce consistency, you’re ensuring that the food goes down more easily and doesn’t get stuck. 
  3. Don’t eat and drink at the same time. There are two reasons for this. First, as mentioned above, you can only eat three or four bites at a time. We want you to focus on these bites so you get the nutrients you need, especially protein. Protein really helps you heal after surgery. So if you’re only able to get in three bites, you don’t want to fill your now smaller stomach up with fluids. Plan on drinking about thirty minutes later, once your food is digested.

Not drinking when you eat is especially important in avoiding dumping syndrome. Why? You’re chewing your food to an applesauce consistency. Now imagine applesauce in your stomach. Then, let’s say you pour water on top of that applesauce. That’s going to thin the applesauce out and cause it to move through your body much more quickly. When this happens, it might make you a little bit nauseous, or you may have to run to the restroom all of a sudden. You’re not staying full as long because that water is just pushing all that food through, and it’s like you never even ate.

Following these three tips will help you avoid scenarios such as this. It may sound daunting, but you will learn how to eat enough food without feeling sick or experiencing dumping syndrome. It can be hard at first, but as time goes on, you’ll learn your body and know exactly what it takes to stay satisfied and healthy.  

Create a healthy you first, then create a healthy family

kids healthy lifestyle

kids healthy lifestyle
Many of our patients at
Birmingham Minimally Invasive come to us wanting to get healthier for their families. Moms and dads want to be able to play with their kids, and through gastric sleeve surgery and our other weight loss surgery options, many people achieve this goal.

Getting healthier serves as a positive example for children, which is important since today many kids are overweight or obese. If you focus on becoming healthier yourself, you can then turn your attention to making sure your entire family is leading a healthy lifestyle.

We know it’s hard though. You are busy, kids are busy. During this time of back to school, life gets even busier. But a healthy, active lifestyle can help keep kids at an appropriate weight, while also preventing health issues, such as diabetes, heart disease, asthma, and high blood pressure.

Creating healthy habits for your family

The earlier you can create healthy habits, the better. Children imitate their parents, so it’s important to set a good example. And being an example is the key. You don’t want to make kids feel bad about their weight or focus on it too much as this can create self-esteem issues that may take root at a young age and progressively get worse over time. But if your family has always been active and eaten healthy foods, it will naturally be good for their health, including their weight.

This all sounds great, but how exactly do you accomplish it? What does it look like practically to lead your family in a healthy lifestyle? What should you focus on the most as kids go back to school?

Here are several things to think about.

  • It starts with what you buy. If you buy junk food, your family will eat junk food. If you buy healthy foods, that’s what they will eat instead. Your shopping cart should be full of healthy foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables and whole-grain items. We do not recommend purchasing or serving kids low-fat foods since they may contain unhealthy added ingredients, including added sugar. 
  • Actually pay attention to portion sizes. If you have been overweight or obese, you may have eaten portions in your past life that were much too large. It may even be that your parents served you portions that were too large. Resist the urge to give kids portions that are too big. Read the nutrition facts label and serve the appropriate amount. If a child asks for more carrots or apples, it may be fine to serve seconds, but for many types of foods, they may not need more.
  • Eating meals together as a family really does matter. Especially on busy school mornings or evenings, it may be easier to serve children their meals at different times or in front of the TV but resist the urge to go this route. Eating together has many important benefits related to health and nutrition, but it’s also a time to connect and communicate.
  • Think about what they drink. In our society, juice and sodas are the norms for many families. But these types of beverages should be limited or not offered, especially for kids. Instead, fill reusable bottles with water and serve a glass of milk with meals at home. Children should not drink diet beverages of any kind. 
  • Focus on fueling their bodies. This may vary by child depending on what activities they are involved in throughout the day, but every child needs a nutritious, filling breakfast. This will refuel their body after a long night, and provide energy to help them get through their day. If your child has snacks throughout the day, send something that will also help refuel them. For example, a candy bar or packet of cheese crackers will not do them much good, but fruit, nuts, cheeses, and peanut butter will help keep them going longer.

Other ways to encourage kids to be healthy

While what your children eat is very important, there are many other factors that go into a healthy lifestyle for you and your family. Getting enough sleep and not having too much screen time each day are factors to consider as well, and physical activity is tied to both of these.

Physical activity should be part of your family’s daily routine. Kids may be involved in sports or other activities at school, and you may go to the gym to work out every day. But you should also make time to be active together. Maybe this is a family walk or bike ride in the evenings. Maybe this looks like running around and playing games in your yard after dinner. 

Find what works for you and prioritize this time of physical activity. It will mean that kids are spending less time on screens, and it will also help their bodies feel tired and ready for a good night’s sleep at the end of the day. 

We always love seeing parents who want to get healthier for their families. We encourage you to focus on yourself first if you need to, and weight loss surgery may be the answer. When it comes to diet plans, exercise plans, and the entire recovery process, we will be with you every step along the way.