Preparation is key. You may have heard of this adage before, and while it doesn’t hurt to be spontaneous once in a while, preparation is crucial for the success of your weight loss surgery. This July, our experts at BMI Surgery discuss one facet of your weight loss journey—exercise.
Bariatric surgery helps you lose weight, but to maintain your new and improved physique, you must exercise too. However, we understand that for many of our patients, the idea of an exercise routine feels daunting. Don’t fret! If you have no idea where to begin with exercise, you’re in luck. We’re explaining everything you need to know about activity after weight loss surgery so you can feel confident as you plan and prepare for life after your operation.
Why Is Exercise After Weight Loss Surgery Important?
We’re so glad you asked! Exercising after weight loss surgery has numerous benefits, but first and foremost, it helps you reach your weight loss goals. Without exercise (and a healthy diet), you may not be able to maintain your newfound weight loss properly.
Additionally, exercise improves circulation, increases your metabolic rate, reduces stress, and strengthens your heart, bones, and muscle strength. And if you’re suffering from any weight-related conditions, like diabetes or high blood pressure, exercise may help you manage these illnesses. For more information about the importance of exercising after weight loss surgery, check out this blog.
When Should I Start Exercising After Bariatric Surgery?
Once you feel up to it, we recommend taking brisk walks when you return home. You can begin low-impact workouts one week after surgery, making sure to avoid lifting anything over 10 pounds for about four weeks. Usually, patients can exercise without restrictions after four weeks.
Even if you feel like the newest America’s Next Top Model, it’s essential not to overdo it. After surgery, your body is adjusting to your new calorie intake and exercise routine, and the last thing you want is to slow down recovery. We recommend always following your surgeon’s instructions and waiting until you’re cleared to begin exercising.
What Exercises Should I Do After Weight Loss Surgery?
Now that we’ve covered the importance of exercise post-operation, let’s look at our recommended exercises after weight loss surgery. We advise avoiding high-intensity workouts, like running and cycling, for at least four weeks after surgery. Remember, slow and steady wins the race in the weight loss game.
Walking is perhaps the easiest, most convenient exercise after bariatric surgery. Do it early in the morning once you’ve woken up, in the evening after dinner, or midday if your schedule allows. You can walk a few laps around your house or the block and then build up to longer, more challenging walks, like incorporating walking up and down hills. Even if it’s just five minutes, you can slowly build up your endurance and strengthen your muscles and joints with regular walking.
If walking isn’t your thing, swimming is a great alternative. It doesn’t put as much strain on your knees and maybe more entertaining for some. You can tread water, swim slowly, and walk in the pool. And, if your pool offers any classes like water aerobics or other exercise classes, those can be a fun, engaging way to get in your daily dose of exercise.
Resistance Band
Resistance band workouts can be done in the comfort of your own home. You can gently stretch and practice different exercises, like lunges or squats, with the added resistance of the band to add a bit of a challenge. Resistance bands increase your flexibility and circulation, especially if you’ve been stationary most of the day while recovering. This form of exercise is perfect for those who feel ready to lift weights but don’t want the added pressures of exercising in the gym.
Weight Training
We recommend adding weight training to your routine as you improve your strength and stamina. Weight training can be as simple as light dumbbell exercises like bicep curls, wall sits, and tricep extensions. With weight training (and all these exercises), you can customize the movements to your needs. For example, you can sit while lifting light weights if you find it challenging.
When in doubt, if it doesn’t feel right, stop. You can rest up and try again in a few days. If you’re worried about your form, we recommend watching tutorials online or seeking the advice of a personal trainer to ensure you’re engaging the proper muscles while exercising.
Feel Your Best After Weight Loss Surgery & Beyond
At BMI Surgery, we’re here for you every step of the way. From the moment you walk through our doors to follow-up appointments after surgery, our team of experts is here for you. If you’re preparing for weight loss surgery and want to learn more about what exercise is right for you, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team. We can create a customized plan tailored to your needs. Whether it’s walking, swimming, or weight lifting, we strive to empower all our patients to exercise safely.
If you’re considering weight loss surgery, BMI Surgery now offers a quick, affordable option called Priority Pass. In as little as three days, you can undergo post-operative consultation and surgery. For more information, contact us at (205) 833-6907 or online.