Starting a family is a common goal that many people share. But if you’ve struggled with obesity and are hoping to achieve that goal, there are many misconceptions out there about your options. Many women aren’t sure whether weight loss surgery will interfere with starting a family. The truth is, though, that weight loss surgery not only improves your health but it can also improve your ability to get pregnant.
Our team here at BMI Surgery has seen many healthy families start after a weight loss journey. So, if you are planning to try for a baby or want to ensure the option is open to you in the future, here are some things you can consider as you weigh your options.
Does Weight Loss Surgery Affect Fertility?
Weight loss does not negatively affect fertility—and many women become pregnant after having bariatric surgery. In fact, many women choose gastric sleeve or gastric bypass because of the positive effect it has on fertility.
The weight loss procedure can make your ovulation more regular by stabilizing hormone levels, which often increases your chances of getting pregnant in a safe way. If you choose in vitro fertilization for pregnancy, weight loss typically increases your chances of success.
Choosing this option to help you reach your weight loss goals can also help to make your pregnancy healthier, potentially reducing the risk of gestational diabetes, blood pressure disorders, and postpartum hemorrhage.
How Long Should You Wait After Surgery?
It’s important not to get pregnant too quickly after surgery. Our doctors generally recommend that you should wait for at least 18 months after weight loss surgery before conception to ensure full healing. However, each patient’s case is unique, so talk to your doctor about when the time is right for you.
It’s important to wait until your weight has stabilized, both for your health and the health of your future child. By waiting to conceive, you can reduce the risk of fetal malnourishment and premature birth. You should always discuss your plans with your doctor so that they can help you manage your weight, family planning, and pregnancy.
Safety Steps to Take
There are a few additional things that your doctor might recommend you do before and during pregnancy. After bariatric surgery, there can also be a higher risk of low birth weight and intrauterine growth restriction for your baby, so it’s essential to test for nutritional deficiencies after your surgery to lower the risk of problems. Your doctor may also recommend specific supplements to support you and your baby during pregnancy, as well as frequent appointments to check your nutrition for any deficiencies.
If you follow your doctor’s advice about your nutritional choices, you, like many women, may have a natural delivery with no complications. Women that have had these procedures can also breastfeed and care for their babies as normal.
Quality Family Planning After Weight Loss
At BMI Surgery, we have many minimally invasive surgery options, like gastric sleeve and gastric bypass, that are uniquely suited to fit each individual’s weight loss goals and lifestyle situation. Our team will provide a thorough evaluation during your appointment and recommend an option that is best for you.
If you decide to try for a baby after weight loss surgery, you can consult with your bariatric surgeon, as well as other medical professionals, such as a dietician. Our qualified team of experts is always here to provide resources and advice about pregnancy after weight loss surgery to help you decide what’s right for you.
Minimally Invasive Weight Loss Surgery in Birmingham, AL
Discover your weight loss surgery options at BMI Surgery. With many years of experience, our team provides personalized and quality care to help you meet your goals. Call us at 205-850-1972 or contact us online to find out more about how to get started on your weight loss journey and improve your quality of life!